Configuration files

ezvi can also type a file by following a configuration file. A configuration file is just a YAML with certain directives that are understood by ezvi.

No need to worry if you do not know anything about YAML. This page will tell you everything you need to know to get started with ezvi using a configuration file.

If you still want to learn more about the format, please see the official documentation.

Writing a config file

Creating the file

The configuration file is just a text file with the .yaml file extension. You can create and edit a YAML file with the editor of your choice. You could also simply download the template file from the Github repo and then edit it however you want.

The create-config command can also be used to generate a basic configuration file. For more information, see the docs.

The syntax

The configuration file is parsed by ezvi as a Python dictionary.

  • To create a new command, precede it with a dash and a space. This tells the YAML parser that the following item will be a dictionary key.

  • Every command must be followed by a colon.

  • If the command takes inputs 1, add a space after the colon and then write your input.

    • If your input spans over more than one line, make sure to keep the lines indented the same way as your first line.

For example, if you want to write a very long line:

- write_line: This is a very, very, very long line. Since it will take more
              than 80 characters to write it and I want my file to look
              clean, I will make sure to write it on more than just one
  • Every new command must be created on a new line.

You can put an indefinite number of new commands one after the others.

Typing the file

Once your configuration file is done and saved, you can easily tell ezvi to run it with the yaml command.

ezvi yaml [PATH/TO/CONFIG]

Why not JSON?

While pretty standard and very popular, the JSON format is not very human friendly. It is harder to quickly find the right place to edit a parameter in a JSON file compared to YAML 2.

ezvi’s configuration files are meant for humans. The goal is to make these files not only easy to create and read by a computer, but also easy to edit by someone who wants to quickly fix their automation.



For example, the write_line command takes the line to write as an argument. For more information on what commands are available and their inputs, see the actions section.


In fact, YAML is so easy to read that its web page can follow the language’s syntax and still be easy to read.